A fantastic adventure among the dense greenery above the treetops at Mistico Park! Located in a magnificent natural paradise rainforest, the three-kilometre trail passes over 16 bridges, where six of them hang from a spectacular, secure structure. This excellent experience allows you to see the forest from a whole new perspective - from the jungle canopy. This paradise of nature is home to an incredible variety of trees and plants and more than 250 species of birds, including the Greater White-fronted Warbler, Variable Plover, Red-breasted Saw-whet Owl, Red-breasted Goldfinch and Black-throated Trogon. Reptiles such as Bothrops asper, Boa constrictor, horned juggler, basilisks and lizards. Amphibians, such as the Glass Frog, the Dwarf Treefrog and amazing mammals: such as howler monkeys, Cheetahs, American Hirara, Ostronos, or mammals of the sloth and peccary families. Insects such as Morphid butterflies, amazing leaf ants and many more.